Thyroidectomy (Cadaver)
Table of Contents
1. Incision
- Raise Superior and Inferior Flaps
2. Divide Strap Muscles
3. Separate Sternothyroid from Sternohyoid
4. Identify Airway and Midline
- Find Isthmus
5. Dissect Strap Muscles Off Thyroid Gland
- Identify External Branch of Superior Laryngeal Nerve
- Retract Lobe and Divide Superior Thyroid Vessels
- Retract Thyroid
6. Dissect Down to Nerve
- Identify Nerve
7. Clear off Inferior Pole
- Identify Trachea
8. Resect Thyroid
- Trace Nerve into Larynx
- Identify and Control Vessels
- Identify Berry’s Ligament
- Include Peroneal Lobe in Dissection