



Thank you for your interest in publishing. 


Due to the unique nature of the journal, the publication process is also unique.  JOMI will handle most work related to video and animation.  The goal is to make the publication process as effortless as possible, while ensuring high-quality of video production for every article.


1. Request for Publication


To begin your submission, please complete the following form:


Begin Submission


Alternatively, you may also send an email to [email protected] with the following information:


Your submission will be reviewed and, if it is approved, your article will be assigned a production ID, which must be used in all future correspondence.


2. Filming / Film Submission


The publishing author may either a) request that JOMI supplies a video production team to film the procedure or b) film the case yourself.


JOMI Production Team


JOMI can handle ALL ASPECTS OF VIDEO PRODUCTION. Please coordinate filming and requisite hospital permissions with the JOMI editorial team.




We strongly encourage that you connect with us PRIOR to filming.  JOMI can offer guidance and training to ensure that your filming is a success. 


Please note that cases that are filmed incorrectly have a high probability of being rejected. For more details, please see jomi.com/HowToFilm


Minimum Filming Requirements


3. Video Editing 


JOMI Editors


JOMI Video Department will then take on editing and animation production.  The JOMI team will work closely with the publishing author to create an edit of the video optimized for education.  The authors will have ample opportunity to provide guidance, feedback, and will have an opportunity to review and approve video edits and animations. 




Authors are welcome to submit an edited video, subject to JOMI specifications. Please note that the previous Minimum Filming Requirements apply to both existing and speculative filming. Please review your footage before submitting.


Minimum Edited Video Requirements


4. Publication


The submitting author will be responsible for submitting a manuscript (guide), imaging, and any other information needed to put together the article.


Once all component are in place, the article will undergo peer review.  Upon peer review acceptance, the article will be published.


Next Step


To begin your submission, please send the title, abstract, and rationale to [email protected] or click on the button below:


Begin Submission

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For Authors: How to Publish in JOMI

How to Film

Thank you for your interest in publishing. 

Due to the unique nature of the journal, the publication process is also unique.  JOMI will handle most work related to video and animation.  The goal is to make the publication process as effortless as possible, while ensuring high-quality of video production for every article.

1. Request for Publication

To begin your submission, please complete the following form:

Begin Submission

Alternatively, you may also send an email to [email protected] with the following information:

  • Title
  • Abstract
  • Rationale for Publication

Your submission will be reviewed and, if it is approved, your article will be assigned a production ID, which must be used in all future correspondence.

2. Filming / Film Submission

The publishing author may either a) request that JOMI supplies a video production team to film the procedure or b) film the case yourself.

JOMI Production Team

JOMI can handle ALL ASPECTS OF VIDEO PRODUCTION. Please coordinate filming and requisite hospital permissions with the JOMI editorial team.


We strongly encourage that you connect with us PRIOR to filming.  JOMI can offer guidance and training to ensure that your filming is a success. 

Please note that cases that are filmed incorrectly have a high probability of being rejected. For more details, please see jomi.com/HowToFilm

Minimum Filming Requirements

  • Please refer to the guidelines on this page. Content that does not meet the following criteria will be rejected.
  • All cases must have full live narration from the author or participating members. These must be recorded during the case.
  • Ensure high-quality audio by using a microphone and recording equipment. You can record audio onto your phone using a lavalier microphone or use another audio recording device.
  • If applicable, include scope and/or robotic footage of your project in the highest resolution possible.
  • Include introductory and concluding interviews. You can film these interviews on your own or opt for a Zoom interview with a JOMI team member. Examples of intro/outro interviews can be found at jomi.com. If your content meets the previous criteria and you want to schedule an interview, please mention it in your submission.
  • Technical Specifications: Edited footage must be rendered in high quality at 1080P or higher. Unedited footage should be recorded in 29.97fps.

3. Video Editing 

JOMI Editors

JOMI Video Department will then take on editing and animation production.  The JOMI team will work closely with the publishing author to create an edit of the video optimized for education.  The authors will have ample opportunity to provide guidance, feedback, and will have an opportunity to review and approve video edits and animations. 


Authors are welcome to submit an edited video, subject to JOMI specifications. Please note that the previous Minimum Filming Requirements apply to both existing and speculative filming. Please review your footage before submitting.

Minimum Edited Video Requirements

  • Cameras: Multiple cameras are required to ensure complete coverage, including hands, POV, panoramic, scope, and audio recorded during the procedure using a lavalier microphone (post-op narration is acceptable but not preferred).
  • Content: There must be an introduction and discussion (post-op) by the operating surgeon. The procedure must be filmed from incision to closure. For edited footage, the article must include not only key steps but also cover the procedure extensively. When skipping redundant content, the preferred method is acceleration rather than hard cuts.
  • All cases must have a full narration as previously specified. The easiest way to do this is to narrate the case live. We do not suggest attempting to narrate over existing footage as it will be extremely time-consuming.
  • Technical Specifications: Edited footage must be rendered in high quality at 1080P or higher. Unedited footage should be recorded in 29.97fps.

4. Publication

The submitting author will be responsible for submitting a manuscript (guide), imaging, and any other information needed to put together the article.

Once all component are in place, the article will undergo peer review.  Upon peer review acceptance, the article will be published.

Next Step

To begin your submission, please send the title, abstract, and rationale to [email protected] or click on the button below:

Begin Submission